Tensei Shitara Heishi Datta?! - Akai Shinigami To Yobareta Otoko
Tensei Shitara Heishi Datta?! - Akai Shinigami To Yobareta Otoko
A soldier from a different world with the memory of being Japanese. After getting beaten by an orc club, he regains his memory of his previous life and survives the world of war despite the confusion.Leverage your lack of presence. Let’s shake off the unfavorable things of the previous life and this world.From the third son of the Baron family to a high-ranking aristocrat. Light territory management and special pets. The protagonist is not the strongest.Magic exists, but the protagonist cannot use it. It is a world where God exists. There is also gore. No harem.
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5 - masterpiece
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2.5 - almost bad
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1 - avoid at all costs